TIEDOTE: Agein Avustajapalvelut saataville kuudelle Etelä-Suomen Hyvinvointialueelle!
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Agein Avustajapalvelut ovat täällä tänään!
Read articleBy AgeIn Team
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Seeds and Thoughts Behind the Current Age In
The company is driven by a strong vision that winning and thriving societies of the future are those where people of all age groups are actively engaged. In Finland, we possess immense potential within our older generations. We firmly believe that the youth represent the future, while the wisdom, experience, and expertise lie within the older population.
Before Age In there was Onnexi
The idea was born out of the personal experience of Onnexi founder, Ulla Soininen. "My mother lives 900 kilometers away in Northern Finland, while her children are in Southern Finland, busy with work and their own families. After becoming a widow, my mother was left alone to manage her property, 900 kilometers away. Providing quick assistance to her was impossible, and we were in search of reliable help for her property maintenance, including tasks like snow removal, gardening, and more, but we couldn't find the trustworthy assistance she needed. In our social circle, we found helpers for occasional tasks, and these helpers also had elderly parents living in other locations or in need of various services. Onnexi originally emerged to address this need, and now these fantastic Finnish seniors are available to businesses as well."
Values and Responsibility
Onnexi is a company with a mission to seek and provide meaningful work and additional income for motivated retirees on top of their pensions. We look for job opportunities for them in homes and responsible businesses, where their skills, motivation, and joyful work have value. We aim to offer every retired senior who wishes to contribute their expertise and skills towards a better quality of life and help others with their work. Taking care of our Grandmas and Grandpas is a matter of honor for us, and we handle all employer obligations and responsibilities with joy and pride. We want to create jobs in Finland and improve the lives of both our customers and employees. To grow as a company, develop, and advance our mission, we commit to reinvest at least 50% of our earnings into the growth and development of the business.
We Need a Significant Shift to Make Age Inclusivity a Reality
In the future, winning societies are those in which people of all age groups are actively engaged. Therefore, it is crucial to create and offer practical daily services in which seniors have their roles as active contributors, with the opportunity to earn extra income from their work. The freedom to work is the primary motivator for seniors. The focus should be on an individual's desire and the opportunity to work according to their own abilities and circumstances. It's about responsible caring. The goal is for both those in need of everyday assistance and the seniors helping with everyday tasks to have an improved quality of life, thus increasing well-being across society as a whole. The ripple effects and opportunities are significant.
Invitation to Break Age-Related Stereotypes!
Join us in shattering stereotypes related to aging! Let's work together to enable those who wish to continue working after retirement age. Remaining active and purposeful has been proven to directly impact the quality of life in the later years. Reduced illness and frailty, improved memory, and more – the benefits are numerous.
Discover what you can do to contribute and join us in this initiative at:
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