Geriatrian asiantuntija Birgitta Kropsu jakaa vinkit aktiivisiin eläkepäiviin!

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AgeInin uusi vahvistus

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Tule mukaan AgeIn tiimiin ja aloita keikkailu!

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Mukavia keikkatöitä eläkeläisille kodinhoidon erilaisissa tehtävissä

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AgeIn ja Osuuskauppa Arina yhteistyöhön - merkityksellistä työtä ja hyvinvointia!

3 min. read

AgeIn ja Osuuskauppa Arina yhteistyöhön, eläkeläiset kiireavuksi työvoimapulan alueille

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Haemme ulospäinsuuntautuneita persoonia töihin Osuuskauppa Arinan kauppoihin!

2 min. read

Haemme ulospäinsuuntautuneita persoonia töihin Osuuskauppa Arinan kauppoihin!

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Innovative Service Products for the Employment of Seniors

5 min. read

Innovative Service Products for the Employment of Seniors

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Ikä ei ole este, se on voimavara - Hyvinvointia eläkeläisille osa-aikatyöstä

4 min. read

Eläkeläisille hyvinvointia osa-aikatyöstä

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Hyvänmielen Osaaja avuksi ilman työnantajariskiä!

3 min. read

Hyvänmielen osaaja

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Eläkeläiset iloksi ja avuksi!

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Eläkeläisistä iloa ja apua!

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Kesäiloa ja apua arkeen – AgeIn palveluksessasi!

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AgeIn -apuna arjen jokaisessa tilanteessa

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AgeIn osaajia avuksi keväisiin talkoisiin

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AgeIn osaajia monenlaisiin töihin pihalla ja kotona

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AgeIn yhteistyöhön K-Citymarket Malmin kanssa!

2 min. read

AgeIn yhteistyöhön K-Citymarket Malmin kanssa

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Tervetuloa Juttukuppilaan -Hyvän mielen kohtaamispaikka Malmin K-Citymarketissa!

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AgeIn -yhteisöllisyyttä ja hyvää kahvia Juttukuppilassa

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Hyvää seuraa, yhteisöllisyyttä ja kuppi kuumaa -tervetuloa Juttukuppilaan!

3 min. read

AgeIn ja K-Citymarket Malmi järjestävät tekemistä eläkeläisille

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Welcome to AgeIn as an Employee - How Can I Join?

2 min. read

Welcome to AgeIn as an Employee - How Can I Join?

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Efficiency in Everyday Life: AgeIn Services for Households

4 min. read

Efficiency in Everyday Life: AgeIn Services for Households

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Onnexi Becomes AgeIn

3 min. read

Onnexi becomes AgeIn

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Retirees in the Workforce - Threat or Opportunity?

3 min. read

Retirees in the Workforce - Threat or Opportunity?

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Sounding Board of Seniors Recap

5 min. read

Sounding Board of Seniors Recap

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The Meaning of Work in Retirement - Enhancing Well-Being

5 min. read

The Meaning of Work in Retirement - Enhancing Well-Being

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Safe and Fun Home Care for Toddlers

7 min. read

Safe and Fun Home Care for Toddlers

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Christmas Delicacies in the Enchanting Hands of AgeIn Seniors: Traditions and Tales

7 min. read

Christmas Delicacies in the Enchanting Hands of AgeIn Seniors: Traditions and Tales

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AgeIn cleaning services bring tranquility during the Christmas season

5 min. read

AgeIn cleaning services bring tranquility during the Christmas season

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The Enthusiasm for Work Remains High Regardless of Age!

5 min. read

The Enthusiasm for Work Remains High Regardless of Age!

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Support and Community for Single Parents - AgeIn

5 min. read

Support and Community for Single Parents - AgeIn

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Reducing Elderly Isolation - AgeIn Supporting the Elderly

5 min. read

Reducing Elderly Isolation - AgeIn Supporting the Elderly

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Seeds and Thoughts Behind the Current AgeIn

3 min. read

Seeds and Thoughts Behind the Current Age In

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Senior Support in Children's Reading

3 min. read

Senior Support in Children's Reading

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The Challenges and Opportunities of Aging - Growing Numbers of Retirees, Yet Retained Activity

5 min. read

The Challenges and Opportunities of Aging

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Untapped Potential in Seniors Willing to Work in Finland

4 min. read

Untapped Potential in Seniors Willing to Work in Finland

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A Parent's Guide: Caring for Children Under School Age

10 min. read

A Parent's Guide: Caring for Children Under School Age

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The Significance of Presence in Children's Daily Lives

3 min. read

The Significance of Presence in Children's Daily Lives

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Our Seniors Shine in Everyday Tasks – Order Our Services and Enjoy Ease!

7 min. read

Our Seniors Shine in Everyday Tasks – Order Our Services and Enjoy Ease!

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Creative Play and Activities for Children Under 10 Years

10 min. read

Creative Play and Activities for Children Under 10 Years

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How Seniors Make Household Chores Easier for Themselves and Others

3 min. read

How Seniors Make Household Chores Easier for Themselves and Others

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Everyday Help for Christmas Rush

3 min. read

Everyday Help for Christmas Rush

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Let's Take Better Care of Our Loved Ones Together

5 min. read

Let's Take Better Care of Our Loved Ones Together

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Reliable and High-Quality Cleaning by Seniors

3 min. read

Reliable and High-Quality Cleaning by Seniors

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AgeIn – Is Hobbies and Retirement Enough for Retirees?

3 min. read

AgeIn – Is Hobbies and Retirement Enough for Retirees?

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Property Maintenance with Solid Expertise and Passion - AgeIn Experts Assisting Housing Companies

3 min. read

Property Maintenance with Solid Expertise and Passion - AgeIn Experts Assisting Housing Companies

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New Year, New Opportunities: AgeIn's Guide to Successful New Year's Resolutions

4 min. read

New Year, New Opportunities: AgeIn's Guide to Successful New Year's Resolutions

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The Voice of Wisdom: How Seniors Can Share Life Lessons

5 min. read

The Voice of Wisdom: How Seniors Can Share Life Lessons

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Grandma's Best Recipes: Traditions and Culinary Delights

5 min. read

Grandma's Best Recipes: Traditions and Culinary Delights

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Retirees as a Resource in the Workforce: AgeIn's Mission

2 min. read

Retirees as a Resource in the Workforce: AgeIn's Mission

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Hello and Welcome to the AgeIn Era!

2 min. read

Hello and Welcome to the AgeIn Era!

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Grandma's Best Recipes: Meatballs in a Cast Iron Pan

2 min. read

Grandma's Best Recipes: Meatballs in a Cast Iron Pan

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Grandma's Best Recipes: Apple Pie, Grandma's Way

2 min. read

Grandma's Best Recipes: Apple Pie, Grandma's Way

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Grandma's Best Recipes: Pea Soup

2 min. read

Grandma's Best Recipes: Pea Soup

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Grandmas' Best Recipes: Cabbage and Ham Pie

2 min. read

Grandmas' Best Recipes: Cabbage and Ham Pie

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AgeIn Renovation

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AgeIn Services

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