Let's Take Better Care of Our Loved Ones Together

By AgeIn Tiimi

5 min. read

AgeIn's commitment to providing high-quality services is strongly rooted in the life experience and diverse expertise of seniors. Seniors can be valuable assets in various tasks, such as home care and childcare. AgeIn's services complement this valuable resource by offering specialized services that benefit both seniors and the needs of families.

Southwest Finland police patrols have noticed an increasing need to assist lonely and helpless individuals, especially as Christmas approaches. AgeIn's seniors can provide meaningful help and support to the elderly who may experience loneliness and distress. Our services can bring safety and joy to the lives of seniors while offering assistance with household chores and daily tasks.

Here is a direct excerpt from the Southwest Finland police's statement:

"Police inspection tasks often end with the discovery of a deceased person. Tasks have often ended with referral to treatment, sometimes at the last moment.

Every call for help has been justified. And sometimes police assistance has come too late.

These task numbers have now increased as Christmas approaches, and they deserve some attention. Every such case means a sad Christmas expectation for those involved. And it's miserable for the police every time, says duty commander, Commissioner Joonas Tikka of the Southwest Finland Police Department.
On Thursday, a police patrol broke into an apartment when a person over 90 years old, recently discharged from the hospital, had been lying on the floor of the hallway, perhaps since returning home.

We already know that he will not spend his Christmas at home, if he spends it at all, Tikka notes."
The Christmas season can be particularly challenging for the lonely and less fortunate. AgeIn's services aim to bring light and joy to the lives of seniors, providing valuable assistance and care. Small acts, such as a phone call or visit, can mean a lot to those experiencing loneliness and bring warmth during the holiday season. AgeIn's commitment to community and caring is evident in our services, and we hope to bring a safe and caring Christmas anticipation to all our clients.

Southwest Finland Police wishes everyone a warm, caring, and safe Christmas anticipation, and here at AgeIn, we extend these wishes to all seniors and their loved ones.

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