Onnexi Becomes AgeIn

By AgeIn Team

3 min. read

The New AgeIn Service Offers Retirees a Flexible Channel for Employment

Finnish company Onnexi Oy has taken a groundbreaking step by introducing the AgeIn online service at the Slush event. AgeIn is the world's first online platform specifically designed for workers aged 65 and older. This innovative service not only provides retirees with opportunities for employment during their active retirement years, but it also contributes to enhancing their overall well-being. Following the pilot phase, the Age In service will be available nationwide in Finland, with future plans for expansion into the U.S. market.

The AgeIn online service addresses the global challenge of an aging population. Increasingly, retirees are eager to remain active in the workforce, but until now, there have been limited channels available to them. AgeIn makes it easy for retirees to find job opportunities that suit their life circumstances and capabilities. Furthermore, the service fosters a sense of community among the 65+ workforce.

A New Culture of Flexible Part-time Work for the 65+

Work plays a significant role in retirees' well-being and financial security. AgeIn also addresses the societal challenge of a talent shortage, especially in part-time and gig work. It assists individuals in need of support in their daily lives, such as taking care of elderly parents or childcare. Additionally, it offers businesses the flexibility to hire assistance for various tasks, such as property maintenance and repairs.

Ulla-Maija Soininen, the founder and CEO of Onnexi Oy, emphasizes that successful societies of the future will involve people of all ages actively participating in the workforce. Outdated attitudes and stereotypes related to age should be discarded, as being constrained by them only hinders overall societal functionality and leads to costly idle time. Retiring can open the door to a new culture of flexible, paid additional work for those aged 65 and above.

**Motivators for 65+ Workers: Freedom of Choice and a Sense of Purpose
The development of the AgeIn service is based on six years of experience in the Finnish market. Onnexi Oy has been a pioneer and innovator in facilitating employment for retirees. According to the company's experience, the key motivators for retirees to engage in work are the freedom to choose what they do and the opportunity to find meaning in their work.

Ulla-Maija Soininen stresses the importance of focusing on an individual's desire and ability to work according to their own strengths and circumstances. This is an act of responsible care. AgeIn aims to provide assistance that aligns with customers' life situations – flexibly, at a reasonable cost, and while respecting the well-being of the workers. The goal is for both those in need of help and the seniors providing assistance to lead better lives, thus improving overall well-being across society.

Piloting in the Finnish Market – Global Potential

The AgeIn online service was launched in November, and Onnexi Oy's retiree employees were the first to embrace this new platform. AgeIn is expanding its reach across Finland, actively seeking new retirees from different regions to join as workers.

The service utilizes artificial intelligence to match the skills of workers with the tasks provided by customers. Additionally, data is collected about retirees' experiences and how their work impacts their well-being. In the long run, the collection and utilization of this data will open up further possibilities for service improvement and collaboration with partners. AgeIn has already garnered interest in the United States, and negotiations for bringing the service to the market are underway following the pilot phase.

The AgeIn service not only opens up new opportunities for retirees in the job market but also contributes to the overall functionality of society and active participation by people of all ages. Onnexi Oy's AgeIn is a step towards a future where age is not a barrier to work, and where everyone has the opportunity to work in line with their capabilities and life circumstances.

The background of the national AgeIn service, launched in November 2023, is rooted in Onnexi Oy, founded by Ulla-Maija Soininen. Its inception is based on Soininen's personal experience of the difficulties in getting assistance for her mother living in long distance. Onnexi, advocating for responsible care and age inclusivity, has transformed the working landscape by highlighting the opportunities and motivation for seniors over the age of 65 to engage in flexible, paid employment, thereby promoting their well-being and income prospects.

Established in 2017, Onnexi has employed over 350 retired seniors to date, and its services have been utilized by more than 1000 customers. Initially operating regionally in Southern Finland, Uusimaa, Kanta-Häme, Pirkanmaa, Satakunta, and Varsinais-Suomi, the Age In online service now expands its service offerings nationwide.

Invitation to Break Age-Related Stereotypes!

Join us in shattering stereotypes related to aging! Let's work together to enable those who wish to continue working after retirement age. Remaining active and purposeful has been proven to directly impact the quality of life in the later years. Reduced illness and frailty, improved memory, and more – the benefits are numerous.

Discover what you can do to contribute and join us in this initiative at:

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